I was really happy to share the 8 week ultrasound with my mom because she will be back at the Grand Canyon in August when the little peanut arrives. I am over 35 so my doctor explained to me that I am at a little higher risk. So I am going back for a check-up on Monday at 11 weeks instead of 12. I also have an appointment scheduled with a perinatologist on February 20 to have a screening test called nuchal translucency done. It is blood work and an ultrasound that measures the spinal fluid present and then compared to determine the my risk for this baby having Down Syndrome, Edward's Syndrome and a handful of other abnormalities.
After the 8 week ultrasound and seeing the heartbeat, we felt like it was time to tell Spencer. I made a sign that says "I am going to be the big
brother!" and had Spencer read it out loud. He was so excited. We let him (in picture form) tell the Facebook world. Many family members and friends already knew, but it was still fun for Spencer! He asked when the baby would be here. When I told him August, he said "Holy freaking chestnuts! I have to wait until August to be a big brother?" I told him he had already waited 10 years so a few more months shouldn't hurt you!
I'll be sure to keep this updated so you can learn more about the peanut! The rollercoaster continues!
Spencer looks so proud to be becoming a Big Brother!